mardi 17 janvier 2012

Chocolate Cake (Truffle Cake) From Grandmother Britta...An Idea From "Edsbacka Bistro", Sollentuna Sweden...Délicieux Gâteau Suédois Au Chocolat...

I baked this today, It is very good slightly warm with iced whipped cream or vanilla icecream. 
And a cherry or strawberry on top!
This recipe was given to me by my swedish friend Pearl Margaretia Dahlin.

Ingrédients :
100 gram butter (important!),
100 gram dark chocolate (64-72% cocoa mass),
2 eggs,
2 dl (200 ml) white sugar (60g),
1 tablespoon (15 ml) Cognac, or dark Rhum, or Amaretto (I used Amaretto)
1½ dl (150 ml) all-purpose wheat flour (170g),
To servings:
slightly whipped cream (thickened to fluffy only)

1. Oven on 170 – 180 C degrees. Melt the butter on low heat, put it aside and
    add the chocolate, broken in small pieces.
    Wait a few minutes, then blend.
    Line a baking tin with removable brim, with baking-paper
2. Beat together eggs and sugar until white and fluffy. Add Cognac or Amaretto.
3. Add the flour through a sieve, mix with a doughscraper/spatula (light hand!)
4. Blend the two batters (still with a light hand!)
5. Pour the batter into the lined baking-tin
6. Bake the cake on a lower shelf in the oven for 13-15 minutes,
   depending of how moist and sticky you want it, and how hot your oven is.
Let the cake cool down 1 hour.
Serve it with lightly whipped (unsweetened) cream.
The cake can be baked one day in advance, or keep it frozen in a tight plastic box, (Curver or Tupperware).

TIP ! Very nice to put the batter in big cupcake tins (lined with buttered paper cups)
1/3 filled, and bake in 16-18 minutes, (the surface will sink),
then serve these small portion desserts warm with an ”egg” of ice-cream
(chocolate or vanilla) in the hollow.

Fresh raspberries powdered with confectioner’s sugar, good and beautiful on this plate, too.

Et régalez-vous !

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